
Creative Snacks To Put A Smile On The Face & Fill The Tummy

October 25, 2015

Creative Snacks From McCain
Taste is one of the strongest sensual pleasures awarded to humans; and so tucking into a juicy kebab, licking on a ice-gola, surpling into that mojito and savouring into that delicious bowl of ice-cream makes it amazing. Food actually effects our minds more than it does our body and hence there is a direct connection between food and happiness. Be it cooking or eating, food sends joy signals to our mind and those create chemical loocha in the body and rewards everyone around with beautiful, gorgeous smiles.

I am extremely particular about everything that is served at home throughout the day, especially when it comes to my little #PrincessHeer. Even when I’ve had a hectic day, I love experimenting in the kitchen and turing raw ingredients into mouthfuls of amazement. The smile never leaves my face throughout… it continues from cooking to serving to relishing my craft. 

Yes I say craft, because cooking is an art that first needs to please the eyes; a rule was taught to me by my little one. The toughest time I have feeding her is the snack time… the long hours between lunch and dinner that are a challenge. Over a period I’ve realised that if I put in a bit of extra effort and make the snack look inviting enough I don’t even have to ask her once to have her mid-evening snack. It has been an uphill task but well worth it since my fussy little eater, looks forward to that time of the day which is meant just for the two of us.

Last week when we went to pick the groceries from the hyper-market, #PrincessHeer picked a McCain snack pack, and I was appalled. I am really against frozen meals especially comfort food as they tend to be full of sugar and starch and extremely low on nutrition. But the little monster refused to budge and against my will it was added to the cart. 

When we reached home she completely forgot about them and I got some time to read about the product range from McCain. With highest quality wholesome ingredients the products are made Cholesterol and Trans-Fat Free, and pre-cooked in pure vegetable oil. What sealed the deal for me was that I could even bake them and frying them was just another option to explore instead of the only one. 

So when #PrincessHeer least expected it, I surprised her with some delicious mashed potatoes, seasoned and shaped into happy faces with my own creative twist. I baked them as directed and the garnished them with some chocolate sauce and a little bit of pistachio paste did the magic. The smiles were transformed into cute Smilie Minions. With #PrincessHeer's favourite cartoon character in her plate, the joy and smile made all my efforts worthwhile. 
So go ahead, create some fun snacks with McCain, bite into the wholesome goodness and keep smiling!

Until next time,
~ Heena

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  1. Like the creativity and thanks for the ideas, will share this with my mom !

  2. Wow. Cute way to modify snacks. And Untill I read your post, I was unaware of the bake option!

  3. Hey... You and I chocolate the McCains both... And both were side lined.. Lolzzz my son loved them and looks like your princess loved them too. Cheers to their great taste. Seems that they are the only ones with good taste.
