
Like Mother, Like Daughter

October 23, 2015

It was the day she turned three.

Among a hundred people I was poised to say a few words, when she gestured to me, she wanted to say something. Lifting her to perch her little being on the counter top I handed over the mike. As the words kept flowing in sweet nothings, I recognized the fearless way in which she expressed her feelings about the day and went on to thank the guests for coming. In all that was being said I heard a lot of ‘Like Mother, Like Daughter’ compliments.

Like Mother, Like Daughter

As an independent freelancer, I work from home and I have a unique manner in which I set my desk and arrange my work things. Every morning I begin at my desk with a cup of herbal tea, surf through the manual post that arrives,  respond to emails and then sit back to pen down my thoughts or articulate the steps of the campaign I’m working on. Once I complete the tasks set for the day, I read a little and then take a break. As the day progresses, most of the boxes on the checklist are clicked and I know it’s time to call it a day. As soon as I switch off the computer I clean the screen and the mouse pad, stack up the paperwork, shred the unwanted paper and finally wipe clean my desk. Once I’m done, I head to the living room to tidy it up of the newspapers and magazines; moving them to the recycle basket. Once everything seems in order, I’m ready to sit back and enjoy the evening with my loved ones.

It is widely said that ‘experience is the best teacher’, but I beg to differ and emphasize that now-a-days ‘visual stimulation is the greatest teacher’. Over the last few weeks I slowly but steadily noticed how my daughter did things just the way I would normally do them.
Every day after she comes home from school, she heads straight to her study table and leaves her bag  by the chair. After freshening up, she settles at her study table and drinks her milk while browsing through her activity book. As she slurps her last sip of milk she goes about doing her homework and then marks a couple of ticks on the table calendar. When all seems done, she picks out the date page from her #datta calendar and heads to my desk to shred it. Once she is through she rearranges her desk, swipes it and leaves her bag on the table.

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Do you see a little of me in her? Just like you see a little of yourself in your child? Surf excel matic is celebrating moms and their ability to do things with perfection. Do you have a story where you’ve noticed your child trying to do something just like you? Share your story through pictures, videos or text. Click here now justlikemom.surfexcel.in, the best entries stand a chance to win exciting prizes including a front load washing machine. Conditions apply. You can send in your entries via Surf excel India Facebook or Twitter page. 

Come one, get writing,
~ Heena

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  1. oooo it's so true...we always mimic our mother....

  2. What a sweet one! I'm surprised she is only 3 and has homework. So different from the US style. It's good you gave your daughter good, neat habits. :)

  3. your girl is just 3?! wow, she's amazing, isn't she? i'm not married yet and definitely not a mother, but i still believe the amazement will be beyond what word can describe when you see a little bit of yourself in your child.

  4. It is a blessing to see yourself in your daughter. She will grow up to make you proud and someone as awesome as you, Heena!! It is such a pleasure to read something about daughters!!

  5. Waaaa so adorbs! She's just like my little nieces here <3 you are blessed!
