Can You Manage Your Weight With Soy Protein?

December 30, 2018

Obesity today has been recognized as a worldwide epidemic, and it continues to rise at an alarming rate. It is a major health challenge not only as it leads to premature mortality but also is the root cause of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and more. Obesity in the last few years has been directly attributed to the change in dietary and lifestyle habits; which results in an imbalance between the intake of energy and use of energy. With a more sedentary lifestyle and a decrease in physical activity, the excess energy is accumulated as body fat thereby changing the body dynamics with the most common underlying abnormality - human obesity.

To win the “battle against the bulge”, people have spent unaccountable sums of money, but the effort to lose weight has been in vain. As the pounds pile on, weight management becomes more difficult through dieting and exercise; and then people tend to look at other avenues like surgery, liposuction, etc to combat the abnormality. However continuous research conducted over the last few decades by many firms including DuPonthave shown how dietary modifications can help manage the equation between energy consumption and energy expenditure thereby ensuring healthy weight management. 

Of course, the best option for weight management would be a sensible diet combined with exercise, however, a significant number of research studies show that a high protein rich diet enables greater weight and fat loss. Protein plays a major role in many bodily functions, including building bones, muscles, cartilage and skin; producing blood, enzymes and hormones and repairing body tissue. 20 amino acids make up the protein that is needed by the human body, of which only 11 are produced within the body while 9 must be supplemented by food. The best sources of high-quality protein are meats, fish, eggs and dairy products, which have all the essential amino acids that the body needs. Some vegetables and fruits also punch in a fairly high level of protein while dairy products provide the necessary amount of protein. However, research shows that the Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score of Soybeans is the most optimum making it the best source of plant-based protein available to humans.

Dr. David Allison and Dr. Mark Cope at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and Dr. John Erdman at the University of Illinois at Champagne-Urbana conducted review based studies on soy and obesity and found that soy-foods help to battle weight by promoting fat loss. Clinical trials also reinforced the results that soy consumption enables weight control as:

1. Soy Proteins is plant-based and thus naturally cholesterol and lactose-free. 
2. Soy Protein helps feel fuller for longer, thereby decreasing calorie intake. 
3. Soy Protein has a low-glycemic index, thus maintains a normal blood sugar level. 
4. Soy Protein helps control heart health during weight loss.
5. Soy Protein minimises loss of bone mass during weight loss.

Soy Protein is a low-fat source of high-quality protein that when combined with exercise and a healthy diet, makes an excellent 'partner' in a successful weight loss as well as a weight management plan.

Have you included Soy in your diet? Let me know in the comments below if you think Soy Protein actually helps in weight management. 

Until next time,
~ Heena

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