
My Egyptian Sojourn |Travel Diaries

June 25, 2013

Every time I heard the song "Walk like an Egyptian" in the mid-80, I used to dance like crazy. Yes, I was a baby then and this is what my mom always says…

Egypt was right on top on my list of Must-Visit Places, so when the opportunity came knocking I grabbed it with both hands. I was then working with a pharma company shuttling between Mumbai and London and had to attend a marketing program in Egypt, yes can you believe it a marketing program in Egypt.

I went, attended and then extended my stay there to tick the travel on my bucket list. Hubby dearest joined me, the very newly married couple on the second honeymoon :) The next few days were simply amazing. I wore a simple cream coloured Presha dress and accessorised it with a large black-brown scarf.

The Great Sphinx, the ancient monument that competes with the Pyramids of Giza.
Our Trip To Egypt
At the entrance of the Pyramid of Menkaura with school students.
Hubby dearest at the foot of the Pyramid of Khufu that stands at 888 feet.
Our Trip To Egypt
Not without a camel ride?
Our Trip To Egypt
Visited a perfume factory where they make glass perfume bottles by treating glass tubes with heat.
Our Trip To Egypt
Went berserk shopping essence and super cute glass bottles at the perfume factory.

Stay tuned for more travel tales.

Until then, keep visiting.
~ Heena

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  1. That's amazing! It looks like you guys had fun :) Those perfume bottles are so pretty.

    xo Azu


  2. I plan on going there in Dec :)

  3. Oh my goodness soooo jealous, looks like it was a great time! x

