
Say Hello To iCynosure At Bloglovin

June 30, 2013

Today, Google Reader has finally bid us adieu. It will be the best to switch to Bloglovin from Google Reader to follow the blogs of your choice. I see many of you lovelies already following iCynosure via Bloglovin. Thank you for your pro-activeness.
How To Start A Blog

Friends who do not want to lose your blog following list but need help in moving, visit the Moving from Google Reader to Bloglovin Tutorial. To follow iCynosure via Bloglovin click the image below and hit the follow button.

And to facilitate more interaction with our lovely friends and fans, we have also included 'Comment via Facebook Option" on the blog. We'd love to hear from you and if you need blog help, feel free to email us via the contact us section. 

Until more stuff, keep visiting and keep commenting!
~ Heena

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