
Black Forest Calling |Travel Diaries

June 11, 2013

Since travelling is one of my passions apart from writing and reading, I am clubbing two of the three to bring to you a series of picture blog posts.

Driving through the Black Forest in Germany, all I could really do was marvel at the wooded mountain range. To the naked eye, it sure does change colours over the course of the day... from a beautiful dark green to an inviting black.

What To Do In Germany, Travel Diary
What To Do In Germany, Travel Diary
What To Do In Germany, Travel Diary
What To Do In Germany, Travel Diary
What To Do In Germany, Travel Diary

Did you like what you saw? Let me know and I'll take you with me on visual delights... and more the place next time! Leave your comments and let me know your thoughts.

Oh and don't forget to bring back a memorable Cuckoo Clock from one of the renowned makers.
I purchased mine from The Cuckoo Palace in the Black Forest. The products offered there are 100% original handmade clocks with VDS Certificate of Originality.

Until then, keep visiting.
~ Heena

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  1. nice. did you drive through the Schwarzwald and then cross border to Swiss or other way round?

  2. Nice trip and beautiful pictures!


  3. You look lovely!! What a great dress :)

  4. you have an amazing blog babe, Sure we can follow. Follow you now with bloglovin and gfc. Can you follow me back with bloglovin and facebook?


  5. Another kindred spirit who loves traveling and TopShop :) So glad I found your blog :)


  6. such a beautiful dress! you look soo pretty :)


  7. lovely pics! ;)


  8. Dear Heena,
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    Looking forward to your response and your subsequent visit :)

  9. Great outfit! Beautiful dress!

    Thank you for your comments on my blog!
    Of course, I follow you in GFC and Bloglovin (#116), now it's your turn :-))

    Best wishes,

  10. thank you very much for your comment if you want to follow each other or already follow, here I leave my links a kiss.

  11. Hi dear! thanks for introducing me to your blog! its lovely! and i'm following you now both by GFC and Bloglovin' Hope you could do the same :)
    Hoping to see more posts! :))
    Keep in touch

  12. I am more of a country side girl than a beach girl...unfortunately I live in the Netherlands where the there is nothing but flat land everywhere you go...but this is actually a great idea to go to Germany enjoy some mountain scenery during summer time! something that most people would not do hahahaha...I'm glad you enjoyed it :D

  13. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing them!

  14. Wow.. such a beautiful place!
    n I love the dress.. especially the color.. :)

  15. Gorgeous pictures - Loving that teal dress on you, so perfect for Summer! <3

  16. lovely photos! What a lovely place

  17. The Black forest is one of the most beautiful places on earth! Enjoy your travelling there and keep up with the lovely pictures! #GiGlove

  18. I can't decide what I like more: the landscape or your dress! #GiGlove

  19. Beautiful - I love travel posts. I hope I can visit Germany one day, my husband really wants to visit there. :)

  20. Heena, this is amazing! I, too, love to travel and the beauty of nature. It's so relaxing to be surrounded with green sceneries as above. Thanks for sharing these moments with us. xx Donah

  21. Looks like so much fun!! I love cuckoo clocks :p

  22. Germany is such an incredible country!

  23. yes!!! XD lovely photos! i hope to visit Germany one day! XD

    - from gig

  24. Germany has been on my list of must-visit places since ages. I love everything about the country- may it be the scenery, the fiid, the ambience, the culture or history. And you're looking gorgeous too! xx :)
