Fat Grafting for Breast Augmentation: Pros and Cons

February 10, 2019

A cosmetic surgery is the simple technique to transfer body fat to breasts in order improve the size and shape of the breast. This technique is known as breast augmentation through which the surgeon enhances the natural proportions of the breast while improving the symmetry and aesthetics of the breasts.

There are a number of reasons women opt to undergo the procedure, however one of the biggest reasons is to accentuate breast size and shape. The procedure is also effective to rectify prominent asymmetries in breasts and deformities. However some other reasons women choose breast augmentation are:
• Recovering from the effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding. 
• Achieving a balanced shape that complements curvy hips.
• Improving self-confidence and self-image.
• Restoring swimsuit confidence.

What makes a patient an ideal candidate for the surgery?
A lot of people get fantastic results by undergoing fat transfer procedure to enhance their buttocks, face, hands or cheeks. The best parameters to get the procedure done is age between 30 and 65, good body fat to harvest from and overall good health. Other pre-requirements to be an ideal candidate are as follows: 
• Should have realistic expectations and be informed about the procedure
• Should be healthy and have a stable weight 
• Should not be pregnant or be breastfeeding 
• Should not be a smoker 

What are the pre-requirements for the procedure?
There is a chance your consultant or their staff might give you a list of precaution, however, following are the main instructions to be considered: 
• Avoid smoking for a specified amount of time 
• No alcohol intake and limited eating the night before 
• Do not drive post-surgery; have someone to accompany you while driving home 

The patient is generally given general anaesthesia or injected for conscious sedation, hence the patient is either asleep or is sedated during the procedure. During surgery, small incisions are used in order to create space for the implant. After properly positioning the implant, the surgeon closes the incisions and bandages them. Generally, it takes around two hours to complete the entire procedure and then patients are discharged to go home.

What are the benefits associated with augmentation?
Although the benefits differ from patient to patient, ever individual opting the procedure should know the benefits as below:
• No allergic reactions as patient’s own body fat is used for the procedure 
• The procedure can done along with other procedures like liposuction. 
• A natural result as patient’s own body fat is used for the procedure
• The rest time is generally less, however if done with another procedure it may require a few more days. 
• No infections as fat transfer does not include any use of synthetic material.
• The results are immediate which improve over a period of few weeks and are long-lasting. 

What are the risks associated with augmentation?
All surgeries generally have some risks which the patients should be made aware beforehand. Augmentation poses the following risks: 
• A rare chance of leaks in the implant. 
• Pain and tenderness in the area. 
• Prominence in scar tissue causing dissatisfaction. 
• A rare chance of asymmetrical results. 

An incision always leaves a permanent scar, however, in this procedure the scars heal well and the prominence goes away with time. It is a general practice to leave minimalistic scar underneath the breast so they are not visible however one should be informed about the placement and size of the scar by the consultant before the surgery. 

What to expect after the procedure?
Breast augmentation is typically an outpatient procedure performed under general anaesthesia. Patients can expect to walk around on their own after the surgery and even leave the house within a couple of days. In the first week, patients may feel a bit sore and will be advised to avoid exercising. A surgical or a sports bra might also be prescribed by the surgeon for a certain period. The patient should religiously follow the surgeon’s instructions to be able to heal quickly. 

It is beneath the pectoral muscle where the breast implant is placed which makes it feel as if the breasts are sitting high on the chest however it is a normal stage in the process as your implants will eventually settle in the optimal position over the next few weeks. After the breast implants settle, the following after care is recommended:
• Maintain regular screening.
• Undergo corrective surgery incase of weight fluctuations.
• Wear a bra with appropriate support to prevent sagging.

Dr. Donald Roland is a New York City-based board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive knowledge in body procedures. Dr. Roland specialises in breast treatments and can do a variety of surgeries, to know more visit one of the best centres of breast augmentation in New York City.

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