The Story Of A Suicide By Sriram Ayer |Book Review

August 08, 2016

Suicide; is such a powerful word, even the sound of it resonates courage. But is this courage positive? I'm not so sure. 
When I first head about ‘The Story of a Suicide’ I wanted to overlook it as if I had heard nothing. Isn’t that exactly what happens when one looks away, even when they know someone is vulnerable and needs that special attention. Why does one shy away from being that single ray of hope that could make the difference between life and death. That's when it hit me; I had to read about Hari, Charu, Sam and Mani….. four unconnected people whose lives got interconnected in a web of love, passion, revenge and deceit leading to one of the main characters intentionally causing his own death.

An online novel, ‘the Story of a Suicide’ broken down into 31 crisp chapters; touch every topic that is taboo to progress the story further interweaving the paths of the main characters. Though the characters are very well defined, they are difficult to relate to or understand due to the complexities of the situations they find themselves in. With twists and turns a keen a feature film, the plot thickens and takes new directions every few minutes to unfold an unlikely episode that becomes the crux of the story. The author has beautifully narrated how a single opinion, a few harsh words from a loved one become a tipping point that takes a human being from hope, aspirations and dreams to despair, shame and suicide. What I felt was missing, was a positive light that would naturally guide a person and free him from the negativity. However reassessing the plot made me realise that most youngsters today are easy yet self-absorbed, independent yet unsure, fearless yet oblivious. The only thing that I could relate to were the feelings expressed.... from Charu's friendly concern to Sam's lust, Alex's casualness to Mani's ambition and Hari's fear. 

The Story of a Suicide is a relatively dark novel that will leave the readers with numerous questions that will remain unanswered, that will stay with them long after the last chapter is read.

Over the years I've read about things that drive a sane logical person to take his own life. 

The point to think is how does a person full of dreams give up on life so easily? Trust me, I've seen a person from such close quarters that I know thoughts about suicide are not easy or random.

Suicidal thoughts are like fungus; they grow from a single cell into a self-feeding monster that eats away at the person's soul and cripples them mentally. As time goes by, this fungus grows into a humungous form that leaves no room for breathing, choking the person into submission with only a ray of hope in the distance. 

Most people will argue that it would have been so easy for the victim to have reached out for help and confessed about their predicament. 

However how many people actually sit back and think, 'how could I have helped avert the situation'? Trust me, none.

A suicidal person may not ask for help, but that doesn't mean help isn't needed. Most people who want to commit suicide don't want to die they just want to stop hurting. Suicide prevention is equally the onus of people around the victim as much the victim himself. As family and friends, suicide prevention begins with recognising the warning signs, talking about the feelings openly and getting professional help. 

Don't turn your back, be that ray of hope.
- Heena 

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