
Get Gorgeous Skin With Epilation

July 02, 2015

Get Gorgeous Skin With Epilation

Skincare is one of the most important aspects of beauty. Not only is it essential to ensure skin health from within but also skin gorgeousness from the outside. Just as there are numerous ways to supplement healthy skin and maintain its beauty from within; there are many ways to ensure smooth and tender skin. 

One of the most irritating aspects of skin is body hair that every girl wants to get rid of or at least reduce. Whether it’s your arms, legs, underarms, back or the bikini line, there are hoards of ways from which you need the most effective and efficient way that suits your body. Even though each option has its pros and cons, each option suits some group. But to know what suits you the best you must know what options are available. As I browsed the internet I found RewardMe’s hair-removal treasury of information that outlines various hair removal alternatives and the pros and cons of each option from Waxing to Shaving to Epilation and even Laser. 

For a modern girl, the first go-to option for hair removal is waxing and that’s what I did quickly moving on to depilation. However as time became a constraint and I became a girl on the go I resorted to the more quick fix hair removal technique of shaving. With numerous options of laser, electrolysis and epilation being introduced in the segment the choice became more varied for me. However, a test laser sitting didn’t work in my favour and electrolysis being completely out of any trial, I wanted to try epilation, however, I was really unsure about the process and what lay in store. 

But after reading how epilating works, the many benefits of epilating and how to maintain the skin post epilation on RewardMe I headed straight to the store and picked up the Phillips Satinelle Epilator. The articles are extremely resourceful and make you feel confident to try out the product with definitive ease. Since most of the articles give you all the necessary information, here is a checklist of how you must go about the epilation process. 

Prepare your Skin
Cleanse your skin thoroughly and do not apply any cream to keep the pores open. 
Hold your skin firmly stretching it to glide the epilator against it at an angle of 90 degrees. 
Once the epilation is complete moisturize to hydrate the skin. 
Exfoliate skin weekly to remove dead skin, reduce ingrown and #GoWowNow.

If you have tried epilation, leave me your experiences below. Any tips I could use, a trick or two that would help me. 

Say yay to gorgeous skin, 
~ Heena

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