
Auto Charge To Be Powered 24/7, #BonTheOriginal

February 04, 2015

Auto Charge To Be Powered 24/7, #BonTheOriginal

What is the one thing that you need the most, constantly? Charging right?

And it definitely gets difficult especially when you are travelling or when busy doing multiple tasks or even when you are simply too busy to notice the declining power bar.

Auto Charge To Be Powered 24/7, #BonTheOriginal

For me charging is always a last minute task, an emergency resort to save myself from being with the dead. Are you nodding at this? That means we are on the same side of the camera... #SelfieSisters. So what we really need to put us at easeis #BonTheOriginal.

Did I hear a collective 'What the ...?' 

So here's it... Get yourself a #BonTheOriginal that has an amazing #AutoCharge feature that helps you remain powered 24/7 without any worries. Exciting prospect isn't it? All your worries about charging, keeping it in check, ensuring power levels, will soon disappear. 

Phew, with all that we do isn't that the most relaxing thing ever? Yes it is... Just get your very own #BonTheOriginal and Be Powered 24/7. Between did I tell you what #BonTheOriginal is? No? 

Guess away and you can win your very own #BonTheOriginal. 

All the best,
~ Heena

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