
Foot Care Tips For Happy Feet

July 22, 2013

Foot Care Tips for Happy Feet

The season of high spirits, greenery and ecstasy has arrived. Monsoon is typically characterized as wet, humid and sticky climate which is also the breeding ground for fungal, bacteria and other feet diseases. To make things worse, we tend to wear the same dirty shoes throughout the day and bring back smelly and unclean feet home. 

Unfortunately, foot care takes a back seat when compared to our other beauty treatments, except pedicures. The most strained and worked out part of the body – the feet, gets little to practically no care or attention.

Read through some tips to keep your feet clean and hygienic during this torrential downpour.
  • Wash your feet with antiseptic water to keep your feet clear of any infections. Use natural disinfectants like soda and vinegar in a tub of warm water for bacteria-free feet.
  • Do not scrub your feet during the monsoon, as it will lead to sensitive skin which shall be prone to infections. Cleaning and keeping them dry is enough.
  • Mix half part lemon with half part water and apply this mixture to your feet with cotton. This helps remove odour and also tightens the skin.
  • Pay careful attention to the spaces between your toes as these spaces are most prone to fungal infections. Sprinkle talcum powder in between these spaces after cleaning and drying them.
  • Trim your toe-nails and push back the cuticles. Moisturize your feet with petroleum jelly generously every night before bedtime to get rid of the dead skin.
  • Avoid tight-fitting closed footwear like boots and shoes as they retain water and make then sodden. Opt for slippers or sandals instead.
  • Keep a spare pair of footwear in your workplace/college etc. You can then change your wet footwear with dry ones when you reach your workplace/office.
  • Always wear clean and dry cotton socks and keep a spare pair in your handbag/bag so you can change them when you need to.
  • Consult your family physician in case of infections, don't neglect warts or lesions on feet.
Hope you liked the tips on foot care. Happy feet! Happy monsoon!
~ Heena

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