Relieve Stress With Forest Essentials Vaishnavi Stress Relief

June 14, 2018

Stress .... that’s the side effect of the urban lifestyle we lead today. The level of stress we face may not be similar in magnitude, but the after effects are identical for practically everyone. Stress builds up knowingly or unknowingly, creates havoc on the body thereby releasing toxic hormones and endangering the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of the person. When I feel stressful, I head to a spa or a salon to unwind or hit the gym with a vengeance. Essential oils in a spa, relaxing messages in a salon and the adrenaline rush in a gym work like magic that help me unwind. 

But now all of these time-consuming techniques are no longer needed, as I’ve found a product that helps to instantly relieve stress no matter where you are, the magical Forest Essentials Vaishnavi Stress Relief. 

The product is a synergic blend of pure essential oils that helps ease anxiety and tension, and claims to uplift and destress the senses. The product uses aromatherapy to offer a natural and organic way to enhance the body’s senses to lessen stress hormones and their after-effects. The oil is clear, extremely light and feels luxurious and premium to touch and the packaging is by far one of the most gorgeous I have seen. Though the product is priced at INR 850 for 10 ml which seems a bit overpriced, it is justified by the rich ingredient list. The shelf life is 12 months, but considering the hectic lives we lead, it sure will be long over before you realise it.

The Stress Relief is infused with Steam Distilled Essential oils, including Lavender, Lime, Lemon and Peppermint. Lime and Lemon essence brings clarity and focused concentration while Peppermint oil improves mental relaxation and calmness. Lavender Oil widely known as ‘nervous system restorative’ helps to boost inner peace, improve sleep, relieve irritability, anxiety and panic attacks, as well as calm a nervous stomach and body. The best way to use the Forest Essentials Vaishnavi Stress Relief is to spray on one’s wrists and temple points, breathe in the tranquillity of the fresh aromas as the body relaxes and stress gently slips away. 

The Forest Essentials Vaishnavi Stress Relief can also be used in the following ways:
~ in a bath
~ in a compress
~ in an oil diffuser
~ in a body lotion
~ as a massage oil

I have experienced immense stress in the last few months and I’m glad to have tried Forest Essentials Vaishnavi Stress Relief. A couple of drops seem to make me calmer (moms would understand this) and the product works as a real stress buster, it is an experience. And an added advantage is that it smells divine. I would definitely recommend everyone to run a long warm bath, add a few drops of stress relief and lay in sipping on some green tea or red wine. 

Until next time,
~ Heena

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