Top 10 Resolutions Not To Make This New Year

December 26, 2016

Every Year on New Year eve most of us tend to make numerous resolutions of what we should be doing to make the New Year count. However, at iCynosure we realise how every year, every other person we’ve met has never been able to keep their resolutions. So where did this idea really come from?

According to Wonderopolis, “The tradition of New Year’s resolutions dates back to 153 B.C. when the Romans realised that the mythical two-faced god ‘Janus’ — with a face-forward and a face back-ward symbolised the reflecting the past and looking forward to the future as a mark of making promises for a better future and forgiving past mistakes. The Romans believed Janus could forgive them for their wrongdoings as they promised to be better in the future. And thus the idea resolutions was born.’ 

Anyways, at iCynosure we have realised that resolutions just like rules are meant to be broken and hence this year we refrain from making any. However, if you are one of those people who want to make resolutions, stay clear of the ones listed below... 

Wake Up Early
For an insomniac like me, who refuses to sleep at night and cannot make it to witness the sunrise, this is the resolution I used to make every year and always failed to fulfil. 

Exercise and Improve Health 
Whether it’s joining the gym or a zumba class; I’ve tried this year-on-year only wasting time and money. This year I'm saying hell to being a fitness freak and hurray to enjoying life as it comes.

Transform Myself
Promising to be a better version of myself, making up for the all the follies I’ve committed in the year, etc. etc. Hello, I’m actually pretty awesome and already the best I can be. Who can improve perfection?

Take A Digital Detox 
Last year one of the most prominent resolutions I made was to switch off. However, considering my work which is largely social media driven it was to fail right from the start and it failed within a few hours. 

Start A Journal 
How silly was it for me to make a resolution as such? Isn’t my blog a way of expressing myself through my writings? So, the beautiful notebook I purchased to pen my thoughts is still sitting pretty in my bookcase. 

Multi-Task with Finesse
Go mad doing 10 things at the same time and be frustrated to world’s end. I’ve multi-tasked a lot and am very good with it too. However, if you ask me, I’d prefer to live in the moment, concentrate on what’s at hand and then move on to the next task. 

Learn Something New
Like when? Every day! What all can you bundle in a year to ensure you keep this resolution?  It will ensure you are adequately stressed every single day and feel wasted. 

Complete the Incomplete
When I see something that has remained incomplete for a while I know that the reason for it being incomplete is basically it doesn’t merit to be completed. So if I've abandoned something midway, I don’t think it is worth a second shot at. 

Let go of Grudges 
As much as I like to believe I am capable of complete forgiveness, let’s be honest I’m not and so are most of us. And as letting go isn’t possible, I personally steer clear when the situation arises or stay away from the endless cycle. 

Make New Year Resolutions 
Hahaha, really! What fun would it be to actually sit out and be the person who can keep that resolution? And who doesn’t really make any resolutions for the New Year? 

What about you? Made any resolutions and broke them instantly? 

Let me know which is the one resolution you are absolutely sure not to make this new year. 
- Heena

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