Hygiene, My Two Thirds Of Health

November 30, 2016

Motherhood, I’ve realised is not a stage of life it’s a way of life. As a parent I know I will pass more than just my genes to my kid. I will, over the years be passing on my habits to my little one, nearly all of them... good, bad and ugly. One thing I’ve learned from my mother is showing my child instead of teaching her what needs to be done and that has helped me in ensuring that I convey the right things to my little one in a timely manner.

Two things that I’ve consciously tried to inculcate in my personal routine so that the same trickles down as habits in my little one are eating healthy and maintaining hygiene. These are the two life lessons and nuggets of health advice I want #PrincessHeer to carry on for long after I’ve carried her in my arms. 

Every morning I lay out a spread to make eating colourful. I push myself to follow a routine of regular mealtimes with the most nutritional rainbow of colours to push that healthy habit onto my little one.

Just like I make healthy eating a visually appealing treat, I make maintaining hygiene an exciting fun game for us to compete against each other. Every day, we score each other on various parameters of hygiene; ranging from brushing teeth to washing hands to keeping our surroundings clean and much more in a bid to make the simple tasks a lifelong habit.

The other day, when her friends were over for some downtime; they ran around the garden doing everything 5-year olds are good at. After a good two hours of strenuous physical activity they got home to a large spread of snacks, juice and milk. With most of the kids just plonking themselves on the dining table, I saw my little one stride towards the washbasin scrub and wash her hands diligently and declare to her friends, ‘Hygiene is two thirds of health.’ No one could have been a prouder mother, when I saw a dozen 5-year olds scampering towards the washbasin to emulate my princess. 

Yes, hygiene is all about behavioural changes that encourage ‘Healthier Kids and in turn a Stronger India’. And the need has been recognised not only in urban but more so ever in rural India. This unmet need has been identified by Savlon, ITC’s leading hygiene brand and the team has got together to design a great CSR programme to cultivate a habit of washing hands among children through various engaging and entertaining educational initiatives in schools through the Savlon Swasth India Mission.

The brand has launched the Healthy Hands Chalk Sticks, a set of unique chalk sticks infused with soap to emphasise the importance of washing hands before eating. The idea stemmed from the observations made at municipal schools of children using chalk and slate with bare hands and then having their meals without cleaning; leading to numerous health complications. The Savlon Healthy Hands Chalk Sticks is made in a manner that the chalk powder on the children's hands lathers into a foamy cleanser when in contact with water, creating a fun experience for children and educating them about the importance of hygiene and washing hands before meals.

The unique product is a first of its kind initiative undertaken by #SavlonSwasthIndia Mission and as a mother, I believe it is a great move to combat all the ills associated with unclean hands. What do you think about this amazing initiative by Savlon? Leave me your thoughts in a comment below. 
- Heena

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