
He who #NeverLetsYouDown, My Backbone My Hubby

June 06, 2016

Every girl isn't as lucky as I am. I am fortunate to have the best of both worlds in one single person… The force that drives me to the fullest is none other than my friend, my soulmate… my husband. Today's landmark post is dedicated to my HUSBAND, the man who is a perfect example of someone who #NeverLetsYouDown.

It's been 7 years since we've been together, married within six months of meeting each other. The moment I saw him, I knew 'HE' was the one. I know for a fact that I would never have found anyone even closely perfect as him. He is an outrageous partner in crime, a loving romantic, a fabulous father among a zillion other things. That doesn't mean he doesn't drive me crazy, he's not stubborn, or demanding or even nagging at times. However he is the only one, who has stood the test of times; both good and bad and emerged victorious every time.

Time and again he has proved to be an unconditional pillar of strength during all my ups and downs and helped me emerge a better person.

He has my back covered, all the time. I am assured that he is and will always be there for me by my side irrespective of conditions, situations and times. He is by far the most generous person I have ever known. He gives his time, his talent and sometimes even his money without procrasting. He just gives without expecting anything in return, inspiring me to change my heart too. 

He always sees positive in me and challenges me to see the same; even when I go off the hook he helps me see the best in me helps me grow as a person. He pushes and supports me all the way to achieving small landmarks to reach my dream, building on larger and bigger dreams. This blog is much more his dream for me than my dream for myself. His silent words of appreciation and motivation push me beyond my limits. 

A photo posted by Heena Shah-Dhedhi (@heenadhedhi) on

The fact that while writing this I have been smiling throughout is impeccable; and I better end this now before he does something to irritate me and I decide to scrap this post.

Great guy, right? Yep I found him. Have you found your soulmate? 

For those who are still looking, remember that reliability, inner strength and loyalty are the key parameters to find the one who #NeverLetsYouDown, once you find him put him through thousands of tests just like Lava Mobiles does for all their products to build in your trust, dedication and commitment in him for him to be the best, always!


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