
When You Are Uncertain, Chant the War Cry #KhudKoKarBuland

February 19, 2016

Last weekend I met up with my college friends for brunch and the conversations were like lava emerging from a volcano; ranging from unpredictable and phenomenal to mysterious and explosive. At one point in the conversation, I realised that Neha was exceptionally quiet and on prodding further I saw the slight trace of moistness in her eyes. I held on to her hand and we strode into the tea-leaf garden of the hotel.

Last weekend I met up with my college friends for brunch and the conversations were like lava emerging from a volcano; ranging from unpredictable and phenomenal to mysterious and explosive. At one point in the conversation, I realised that Neha was exceptionally quiet and on prodding further I saw the slight trace of moistness in her eyes. I held on to her hand and we strode into the tea-leaf garden of the hotel. 

No sooner did we get a few private moments, a dam broke like she was reaching out to a rescue team in a storm. Childhood sweethearts they were, but the marriage didn't work for them; tiffs prolonged into arguments and arguments lead to physical abuse. She said, "Everything she had dreamt about, felt like a distant dream and the man she loved was not the man she was married to." In spite of being well educated, a high-ranking profession and being a go-getter I wondered why she stayed in the relationship. She continued, "I'm in such an uncertain space right now, still living with an abuser afraid to go back home because my parents didn't approve of my relationship with him. A slap on the face doesn't hurt as much as a torn piece of clothing." 

There was nothing I could relate to in our conversation or even empathise with. The feeling was unsettling and it felt pointless as there was nothing I could do to help. I wished that I could help my friend formulate a plan to get out and have a happy life. 

That’s when it struck me, considering all the efforts we put in to accomplish our educational goals, it is rather unfortunate that women hardly receive any support after taking a break for having a baby. Extended maternity leave, crèche facilities and flexible hours are a rarity in India which force women to drop out of corporate life. I've had thoughts of starting my own design agency but the uncertainty of business looms high and mighty but this is something I know I can overcome with smart investments and planning.

When one is poised at the door of uncertainties there is always a greater fear; however, on the other hand, it’s possible that the moment you decide to march ahead thriving with positivity and passion you achieve the inevitable. Just like the way this dad countered uncertainty with smart planning, never let uncertainty hinder your goals, move ahead fearlessly with a battle cry of #KhudKoKarBuland and remember a financial plan that secures your family’s future is your best defence against uncertainty.

- Heena

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  1. Mental strength is everything they. Truly #KhudKoKarBuland can be a great way to bring back that faith in oneself.
