
GoFynd, An App That Promises A Perfect Fit

February 16, 2016

Shopping online has become the most convenient aspect of our lifestyle today, and I am one who vouches for its highs that add positives to life. The convince of shopping from the comforts your home, no queues for trial rooms and amazing offers & discounts, is just the beginning of all things super. However sometimes inspite of checking size charts and exchange procedures, I am faced with the issue that doesn’t make the experience worthwhile and at times I have had to take to social media to get the issues resolved. Worst is the endless waiting time for the entire transaction to be facilitated, including pick-up, quality check, reissue credits and finally re-purchasing a size up, which would normally be an activity that takes less than 5 minutes over the counter.

I am sure there was someone who felt the same way and thus they conceptualised the app; GoFynd, that is set apart with the mantra of Find-a-Fit from popular fashion brands where you can request for 2 sizes of the same product and finally buy the one that fits perfectly. Apart from this niche concept the app also tries to ensure the same day delivery along with some great discounts. 

Perfectly enthralled with the concept I downloaded the app and went ahead browsing around. The main point that came across was that the search was customised as per user location, when I moved from one place to another the store options as well as the terms and conditions changed. The app also has shopping options via inspiration boards that follow specific themes and are put together rather well. 

Naturally, as I would, I placed an order when in office and it was delivered the same day to my home address. Unfortunately, since the products were on sale, the Find-a-Fit option was not available on any of the three products I received, two were a tad small in size. The problem of the routine no-exchange of products on sale policy made it impossible for me to request for an exchange for a size up from the Small they had sent to me via the app. After a few phone calls to customer service and the brand outlet, the brand agreed to the exchange however only if facilitated through the app. An email and a couple of calls later, the exchange was approved and I was rather pleased with the efforts all across. And I was happy with my purchases too.

Considering the app is still in its initial stages, I would love to see how they upgrade in the next few months especially the niche concept that first drew me to it, Find-a-Fit. Without which, the app is really just any other shopping portal. While that happens, download the app here and shop with a initial joining bonus of INR 500. 

- Heena

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