
Invest In Your Child's Future To Facilitate The #EarlyStarters

August 19, 2015

Invest In Your Child's Future To Facilitate The #EarlyStarters With Aviva Life

Ever since I stepped into the enlightening phase of motherhood, I’ve dreamt the moon and the stars for my little princess. As the days take sweet turns building up the years, my princess has grown to become a renewed bundle of energy. Every aspect of life she touches, she wants to become an expert in it.

With her interest in what’s being cooked at home every day, inputs on how much to sauté or how much to cream; she dreams to grow up to be a chef. Sometimes she says she is going to be the world's best swimmer while another day she wants to grow up to be a surgeon. Just shy of her fourth birthday she has expressed interest in excelling in varying arts and crafts, however, one thing is sure that she has ambition. And to tell you the truth her ambition is backed by a lot of determination and an honest zeal.  

Just today when she returned from school she said, "Momma, my teacher has selected me for singing the school anthem for the mid-term celebrations this year. She said I have a beautiful voice. Do you think I should be a singer when I grow up?" Every child today is provided with so much opportunity and information that she is ready to try everything that is within an arm’s length. Over a period of time a combination of internet data, student advisers, coaching classes and her personal interest in a stream will give her the tools to pick one dream over the rest of them and pursue it to reach the pinnacle. 

However, the main question is, as parents are we ready to support her dreams? Have we equipped ourselves with means to take her to the next level? Help her wake up and chase the dream to achieve it and to facilitate the #EarlyStarters in her? 

The answer to this is ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. 

* No, because I am not going to be that parent who put my dreams into her eyes and wants her to fulfill it. 
* No, because I want her to enjoy the innocence of childhood until she is ready to chase her dreams. 
* No, because there is lots of time ahead to compete in the world to find her own space. 

But for every no, as a parent I have a yes too. To ensure the financial security that enables all #EarlyStarters she needs we plan to invest not only in a great Child Plan from a leading financial institution but also secure her future with life policies for both of us. In case of an unfavourable event in our life, her life should not be turned upside down due to financial constraints. We are planning on getting her an Aviva Young Scholar Secure Plan, an insurance plan to secure the important milestones in her education. Secure her future with a plan that builds a savings fund designed to accumulate wealth for her future. The plan will ensure great payouts during crucial years that will give her the wings to fly to her dreams.

These are some of the essentials that we've chalked out to secure the future of our princess. Pay close attention to your child’s interests and nurture her talent early in life as she might be the next Sachin Tendulkar. Invest in your child’s future here http://bit.ly/1HWrH4k and take steps to enable her to be one of the #EarlyStarters in life. 

Start planning now,

~ Heena

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