
Styling My Nails To Suit My Zenfone

March 12, 2015

When I see something in white I instantly connect it with purity, neutrality, innocence, wholeness and completion. While white doesn’t really evoke strong emotions it does open avenues of creation in form of new beginnings, stimulating the mind to carve a niche on the blank canvas.

With an equal balance of colours, white for me is more all about fairness and independence. White is all about protection and encouragement, about a sense of order to de-clutter and cleanse. White is all about youthful fun and emotional highs. White is my mirror, reflective and creative; the reason I want to style white every day, all day.

Styling My Nails To Suit My Zenfone, Mobile Review

So can you believe my ecstasy when I received #MyAsusZenfone in pure white! And how I channelled my inner Ms. Kapoor in her hit single Maa Ka Phone Aaya for the post Guess Who's CallingA million styling ideas ran through my mind within seconds. But I zeroed in on one that would be as different from my other posts as chalk from cheese. And these two are white as well… 

As soon as the idea took seed in my mind, I headed straight to the LYN Nails to get my nails done to get approval from my new phone. Browsing through a zillion designs I picked a white-gold design with a few strokes of black.

Styling My Nails To Suit My Zenfone, Mobile Review

As the technician progressed with my manicure, slowly and steadily I saw my vision take seed through the step-by-step nail art done. Not to miss the wonders happening on my fingers, I caught hold of another technician to get clicking with none other than the very phone I was matching my style with.

Styling My Nails To Suit My Zenfone, Mobile Review
Styling My Nails To Suit My Zenfone, Mobile Review

Complimenting #MyAsusZenfone we worked on a white base and added a scoop of gold and brushed up with some black to achieve the nail wonder. As often as it happens with nail art we had a few moments of hiccups but we never gave up and went along again and again to achieve a look of purity, innocence, wholesome and immaculate. No compromise in terms of quality, look, performance or accuracy. My manicure was as perfect as #MyAsusZenfone.

I just realised perfection attracts the perfects, so my phone and me; we're perfect partners in crime! 

Find your perfect partner,
~ Heena

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  1. The nails look gorgeous!! Perfect match for the phone :)

  2. Very nice nail design. I love white and gold combination. :)

  3. love your nails!!! combination of white and gold is really classy...

  4. super love the design! simple but so so sleek! :D

    Pudding Monster

  5. never thought of matching nails with my phone...yrs looks great!

    xoxox www.junedujour.com
