
School Of Style By Lakmé

March 14, 2015

School Of Style By Lakmé

Lakmé is known as one of the pioneers in the Indian beauty industry scenario and now they are creating a legacy of style and beauty for the new age enthusiasts. As things keep changing in the fashion and beauty industry all around the world, Lakme is striving to bring these trends to the Indian masses via its Lakme School Of Style. India’s first fashion-beauty video magazine #LakmeSchoolOfStyle bring in perspective from the movers and shakers of the industry, but from the view point of normal everyday people. 

Bloggers and Vloggers contribute towards the magazine via short refreshing and interesting fashion, make up, beauty and relationships videos. Some of these videos are greatly informative, some downright silly and some super exciting. After watching hordes of the videos on the Youtube Channel, I’m bringing to you two videos as part of the #LakmeSchoolOfStyle in association with #Fame.

The first video is that of Vlogger pair Amanda and Milli. The video is all about how they create a great look for Valentine’s Day, shopping in the flea market of Janpath in Delhi on a shoe string budget of INR 1k. Watch it here... 

I’m always drawn towards challenges and the video title ‘Budget Shopping Challenge For Him & Her’ immediately drew me towards it. What I loved about this video is the way the girls are so comfortable shopping around a local market in India and still put together a great look, one for a girl and one for a guy. With each girl trying to remain within the budget but able to pick really good looks is no mean task. Each product they shopped for, whether for a girl or a guy; I can identify with each product and can see myself getting them. Thus the video for me is as real as it can get. So a huge thumbs up from me to the girl, great job done!

The second video that I’m going to insist you watch is the one by Vlogger Sanjana Banaik that outlines 5 Must-Have Bags For A Fashion Girl. Those who read my blog regularly know my love for handbags and thus would agree that this video is the most oblivious choice. Watch it here…

Every girl has her own list of must-haves whether clothes, shoes or handbags and so do I. What I really liked about Sanjana’s video is that out of the 5 bags she has on the list, all girls will have three of them in their list as well. The way she has highlighted the type of bags one must own to the way she has projected hem in the video is simply splendid. She is clear in her communication and the video is shot really well. 

Don’t know about you but I’m heading straight to the channel to subscribe. 

Happy Watching,
~ Heena

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