
Give Yourself A Second Chance

January 29, 2015

Give Yourself A Second Chance With Max Insurance
Image Credit: Max Life Insurance

Second Chance. The truth about a second chance is that it is never given nor is it offered, and it definitely is not anything to do with luck. A Second Chance is to be taken by sheer determination, by recognising the need to experience it and taking that step to cover the missed opportunity.

Just as I read about #SecondChance, there were a zillion things that came to my mind that I wanted to do, but haven’t done because of X, Y, Z reasons. Phew just when I gave up hope that I could do those again, I read a quote by Maria Robinson -  

Nobody can go back and make a new beginning, 
but everyone can start today and make a new ending.

Isn't it wonderful to learn something new, something unique
Years ago I was so inclined to learn the piano, but as soon as I started my classes I was left twiddling my thumbs. Every day I tried a bit more, put in a little more effort but it turned out all wrong. I judged myself too soon, announced that I was terrible and gave it up in less than a fortnight. That is one decision that has haunted me for a long time. Finally, I decided to ditch the ‘I-CANT’ and embrace the ‘How Can I’, giving myself a Second Chance. 

Wouldn't it be inspiring to be able to help another achieve something
Teaching should have come easily to me, just by looking at my mother; a teacher par excellence. I was at a stage during my educational journey when I could have got certified to become a teacher. But ego came in way of logic and instead of following my passion to teach, I choose an alternate path just due to peer-pressure. But it’s never too late, and I’m giving myself a Second Chance to become a teacher, a small yet significant start. 

Weren't those care-free days amazing when you could fly high like a bird
A new place, a new environment, a new challenge to be a better person. I had an opportunity during my post-graduation to live alone and become more responsible whilst getting my degree, I gave up the chance. Why? Because I didn't want to fend for myself alone, wanted to be with friends all the time, go clubbing, dancing and shopping, be given everything ready on a platter, didn't want to venture out of my comfort zone. Wonder when I shall now have that Second Chance to get out of town, into a completely new place, establish myself and become a local. 

When? Well isn't every day a second chance. Stand up and dust yourself, walk away from all the success and get ready to conquer new battles. Because 

Missed Chances are not fatal and Second Chances are not final.

Do you agree?
~ Heena

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