
My Birthday Celebrations, It's All About Gifting

August 20, 2014

Every year I greet the 20th of August with mixed emotions backed by a list of things I want to do before the next instalment. Each year as the sun moves from the west towards the east this #AugustBaby embraces the day with my family and friends only to realise how fortunate I am and how very loved I am. 

My list for this year included going on two trips one by myself and the other with my family, getting a diamond set for princess, renovating my home, learning to cook a new cuisine, working on my blog and much more. The checkboxes next to most of them have been ticked and so I sat to make my list for this year. However, nothing seemed to be coming to me. Why? 

I thought to myself and remembered something that my mom mentioned in passing early this year about giving back. So, here I chuck my list-making and give myself the chance to 'GIVE BACK'. 

This is no way would mean that I'm not going to strive to get something or chase my dreams to achieve my goals, but it simply means that I'm going to give back to the people who mean a lot to me. My family for their unconditional love, my friends for all the crazy times and standing by my side through thick and thin and above all my readers who have gifted me their precious time, readership and trust. 

It's easy to say I'll give back but it's going to be a tough task, giving away a #iCynosureThankYou hamper every 20th of this year. It may be small or big or just about anything, but it will come straight from my heart.

What do you think? Sounds good? Let me know in the comments below. 
~ Heena

PS. Am working on part 3 of the #AugustBabies giveaway, it's going to on Instagram. Will be up soon.

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