
Man Behind The Blog

December 22, 2013

It's a Happy Happy Sunday! Today is the day I publish my 50th post. Yahoo! Vola! Awesome!

However I am going to do something a bit different, rather than publish a post that I've already been working on. A regular friend on my blog would have heard a lot about my #PrincessHeer and myself in many of my posts, however you may know hardly anything about the man behind the blog.

So today's landmark post is dedicated to my HUSBAND, the man behind my blog.

Reasons My Husband Is The Best Husband and Best Father

It's been 7 years since we've been together, married within six months of meeting each other. The moment I saw him, I knew 'HE' was the one. I know for a fact that I would never have found anyone even closely perfect as him. He is an outrageous partner in crime, a loving romantic husband and a fabulous father among a zillion other things. That doesn't mean he doesn't drive me crazy, he's not stubborn, or demanding or even nagging at times. However having said that he is the only one for me, who I can love so unconditionally from the core of my being.

I want to shout a 100 reasons I love about my husband, but I am going to restrict myself to 10. Tough but.

Reasons My Husband Is The Best Husband and Best Father

He has my back covered. I am always assured that hubby is and will always be there for me by my side. A true partner in every sense of the word.

I trust him more than I trust myself. I know its never possible to do that but with him I don't think twice when he says something, it's a given that he is right even though at times I argue.

Reasons My Husband Is The Best Husband and Best Father

He has a fantastic sense of humour, quick almost lightning speed. We use his humour as a soothing strategy when things get tough to break the invisible circle of stress. His child-like smile and hearty laughter tug the strings of my heart. 

He is by far the most generous person I have ever know. He gives his time, his talent and sometimes even his money without procrastinating. He just gives without expecting anything in return, inspiring me to change my heart too.

Why My Husband Is The Best Husband and Best Father

His desire for me, his passion his interest and his love for me has not dimmed since we've been together. His commitment towards us as a family, honesty even if he is sure it will offend me is impeccable. And above all, he is HOT.

The manner in which he let's go, forgives and comforts. I love the way he forgives me so easily when I make mistakes, knowing that my behaviour irritates and frustrates him. Even though I am not the easiest person to live with, he remains calm understanding and patient with me.

Why My Husband Is The Best Husband and Best Father

He always sees positive in others and challenges me to see that. Be it a family member, friend or just an acquaintance, when I go off the hook he helps me see the best in them and helps me grow as a person. 

He pushes and supports me all the way to achieving small landmarks to reach my dream, building on larger and bigger dreams. This blog is much more his dream for me than my dream for myself. His silent words of appreciation and motivation push me beyond my limits.

Why My Husband Is The Best Husband and Best Father

We are remarkably similar in many aspects to make life extremely comfortable yet different enough to make life interesting. We compliment each other perfectly. 

He is the most amazing DAD. I am envious of the way our princess bonds with him... sharing cuddles, laughs and even arguments and their cute fights. He is so proud of her and the way both their eyes light up when they are together.

Why My Husband Is The Best Husband and Best Father

The fact that while writing this I have been smiling throughout. I LOVE YOU, am honoured you chose me to share your life with. I could go on and on, but I better end this now before he does something to irritate me and I decide to scrap this post.

Why My Husband Is The Best Husband and Best Father

Great guy, right? Yep I found him. Have you found yours? What do you love the most about your guy? If yes, appreciate him today.

Until next time,
~ Heena

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