
Let's Rewind That Day Over And Over Again!

May 10, 2013

Life is like a rainbow where each colour is unique and symbolizes something special, however, when they come together they form a spectrum of misty light that demands awesomeness. Life becomes a rainbow when it is filled with varied emotional variations, upheavals and unexpectedness. 

Would there be any life if anyone emotion was missing in it? If sadness is missing we wouldn't appreciate happiness, if pain is missing we wouldn't appreciate pleasure. And to have a particular day repeat itself over and over again for the rest of my life, the day needs to be unbeatable. That day for me is the day - 

 A Letter To My Daughter

What a chaotic day that was, filled with excitement, love, pain, fear, anxiety and much more. I clearly remember the day..... November 17, 2011. Post dinner we went for a walk and I suddenly felt extremely tired. We retired for the night; I remember feeling anxious and uncomfortable-falling in and out of sleep. At around 3.30 my water broke and my husband and mother-in-law rushed me to the hospital. The head nurse did the preliminary checks and suggested some exercises.

In some time I was made comfortable in my room; pillow arranged and asked to rest for a while. The doctor arrived and I was taken to the sonography room for further observation. He seemed happy with the progress I was making and said we will have a beautiful child in our hands in a couple of hours.

My mother arrived and I realized it was well 9 am with over 4 hours already in labour. The doctor came again to check and to lighten the mood he asked... What do you want? I said, a perfectly healthy child. He smiled and asked the nurse to give me some liquid breakfast.

Having read about labour pains and the uneasiness, I was surprised I hardly felt anything except butterflies in my stomach. A few hours passed and after a reexamination, the doctor seemed a tad bit worried. He told my hubby that the baby had moved into the breech position and all was well for a normal delivery however, a lot of fluid was already lost. He suggested that either we could opt for a C-section or wait for a couple of hours to check the contractions for a normal delivery. The only fear was that if I were to lose more fluid, then it could affect the well-being of our baby.

Before anyone would say something, I said we should just do whatever is the best for the baby and go in for C-Section. My mom held my hand and I felt a lot more confident that things would be right. When my mom is here I have nothing to fear, I said. The doctor’s smile broadened and he told the nurse to get the OR ready.

I was wheeled inside at 1.30 pm and I heard the best sound of my life - tiny sobs. The Doctor came close to me and before he could say anything I asked, "How is my princess?" He said, "Healthy and gorgeous, just like her momma". With that, I relaxed.

When I woke up, I saw the best people in my life all gushing over a little miracle, my mom and dad, my mom and dad in law and my hubby. He picked the little doll and brought her to me and the first thing I noticed was that she is a true replica of her daddy. 

November 18th, 2011 at 4.00 pm was the first time I held my life in my hands. Everyone stepped out and gave us a few minutes alone with princess. To our amazement, both of us had tears in our eyes and broad smiles. 

As the news of the arrival of our princess spread, family and friends poured in every minute. The room was filled with gifts, cards, clothes and so many blessings.

The day was a roller-coaster… from tiredness to anxiety, to relaxation, to fear, to pain and finally immense happiness. For the first time, I realized qualities I never thought I possessed…. compassion, strength, tenderness, weakness, worship and above all UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!

I Love You, My Princess,
~ Momma

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Nachi. Really appreciate your time to read through it.

  2. You write so well.. I could feel that I was just beside you all the time during your labour.. Well done !

    Hina xx

    1. Oh Hina thank you so much. Really appreciate it. Cant wait to see you in Mumbai. :)

  3. chooooo chweetttt :) mmmuuuaahhhhhha <3 <3 to sweet baby :)

  4. That was one of the sweetest post ever! God bless your family & specially your lovely daughter :)

  5. Your daughter is really lovely, and if I had to pick a day that I could repeat over and over again in my life, I would have picked the day I first held my daughter in my hand too(except maybe minus the delivery pains :O)

    1. Thank you Prasanna. I'd like to keep the day unchanged as even the pain had a brighter side as i now remember.... being mushed over by mom-in-law, seeing pride in hubby's eyes and the patience and understanding of the nursing staff.
      Thanks for visiting. Would you like to leave your blog link if any?

  6. This post warmed my heart. You truly have a beautiful daughter who is lucky to have such a doting Mommy. Shall follow your writing now.
    Good luck!

    1. Thank you so much dear. Your appreciation means a lot to me.

  7. This is such a cute post..Your baby is soooo cute. It is such a blessing.

